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There is no alternative to globalization

    Life at Setlog
    Supply Chain Management

• Representatives from industry, science and politics discuss how supply chains can be built in a robust way.• Experts advise companies to move forward with digitization, transparent supply chains and collaboration.• NRW Minister of Trade and Commerce Pinkwart emphasizes the strengths of digitization in combination with open global trade. (Bochum, 25.5.2022). There is no alternative […]

Due Diligence Law: Setlog and CSR consultancy Loening announce cooperation

    Sustainability & CSR

• Easy entry into the topic – also for mid-sized companies.• IT tool OSCA CSR is expanded to include standardized supplier questionnaire for risk identification.• Loening helps in introducing risk management system to respect human rights. (Bochum/Berlin, May 4, 2022) The software specialist Setlog now cooperates with Loening – Human Rights & Responsible Business from […]

LogiMAT 2022: Setlog presents enhanced SCM software OSCA

    Supply Chain Management

• IT tool brings even deeper transparency into the supply chain.• Third-party applications can be connected more easily.• Software serves as a tool to implement and adhere to the new supply chain due diligence law. (Bochum, 02/04/2022). Software company Setlog will present its enhanced SCM software OSCA at the Stuttgart intralogistics trade fair LogiMAT (05/31 […]

Four Keys to Success for Ultra-Fast Fashion Companies

    Supply Chain Management

• IT tool brings even deeper transparency into the supply chain.• Third-party applications can be connected more easily.• Software serves as a tool to implement and adhere to the new supply chain due diligence law. The generation between the ages of 15 and 25 will sooner or later change the world of fast fashion. In […]

Supply Chain Due Diligence Act: Do your homework now!

    Sustainability & CSR

The new supply chain law will not come into effect in Germany until 2023. But supply chain experts from Setlog warn company leaders not to wait until the last minute to prepare the implementation. The textile discounter KiK tackled the issue back in 2015. “Anyone who wants to cooperate with us is not only audited […]

Donations for the rescuers

    Life at Setlog

Some regions in Germany have been hit hard by the floods and even we in the Ruhr area have not been spared. Not only companies and the belongings of private persons have been damaged, but also the stations of our volunteer rescuers, who themselves were in action for others. For this reason, we decided to […]

Freight costs: Pandemic brings record prices until well after Christmas

    Supply Chain Management

• Setlog experts see no easing until Chinese New Year 2022.• Container prices from China to Europe crack the 20,000 US dollar mark.• Some traders announce price increases. (Bochum, 24.08.2021). The festive season will be spoiled for importers of consumer goods from Asia this year: The reasons are a lack of freight capacities and exploding […]

Personnel: Software company Setlog expands management level

    Life at Setlog
    Supply Chain Management

• CTO Dmitry Chaykin is managing director for IT.• Manager drives technical development of SCM software OSCA. (Bochum, 07/26/2021) Setlog’s long-time Chief Technical Officer, Dmitry Chaykin (46), has been appointed Managing Director for IT. Chaykin joins the founding partners, Guido Brackelsberg, Ralf Duester and Jakob Gielen, to lead the Bochum-based software house with more than […]

BLG LOGISTICS new partner of HALLHUBER fashion label

    Supply Chain Management

• Company provides value-added services for stores and manages distribution in Hörsel (Thuringia). BREMEN, 01-06-2021 – Since November, BLG LOGISTICS has been the new logistics partner of the HALLHUBER fashion label. The logistics service provider headquartered in Bremen has entered into a long-term contract, which also includes value-added services, with the Munich fashion label HALLHUBER […]