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How to meet the new requirements

Prepared for the German Supply Chain Act

Ensuring compliance with due diligence requirements in global supply chains – that is what the German Supply Chain Act is intended to achieve. From 2023, the law will require companies with more than 3,000 employees to comply. One year later, it will also apply to companies with only 1,000 employees or more.

PC monitor with dashboard of Setlog OSCA on the screen, which covers the supply chain law

Our solution – Our software OSCA CSR!

Mastering the German Supply Chain Act with Software

What companies will need most urgently is transparency – especially in supplier management. With OSCA CSR, you create both security and transparency in your supply chain by connecting all partners. What exactly does this look like? In our e-book, we have summarized for you how to implement the requirements of BAFA and the German Supply Chain Act and create end-to-end transparency by working with our CSR software.

Setlog Leaf Icon Policy Statement & Preventative Measures

Policy Statement & Preventative Measures

Define all guidelines for your supply chain partners centrally and transparently in a digital system and check your partners preventatively by means of questionnaires and overviews of current certificates.

Setlog Leaf Icon Risk Management

Risk Management

Benefit from automated reports with risk assessments, risk measures, evaluations of risk questionnaires and much more data to support your risk management.

Setlog Leaf Icon Risk Analysis

Risk Analysis

Check your supply chain for risks with our global overviews, aggregated risk assessments of all supply chain partners, analysis of industry-specific risks and ESG risk assessments.

Setlog Leaf Icon Remedial Measures

Remedial Measures

Manage your corrective actions in a system-based environment and assess identified risks using automatically calculated severity levels.

Setlog Leaf Icon Complaint Management

Complaint Management

Our cooperation partners will be happy to advise you on the introduction of a fully comprehensive complaints management system.

Setlog Leaf Icon Documentation & BAFA

Documentation & BAFA

Document and archive your data permanently in our central platform. You can merge this data into individual analyses at any time and export it directly for reporting.

All requirements of the German Supply Chain Act at a glance

To keep all the requirements of the German Supply Chain Act in check, we have summarized all the details for you in our checklist.

Preview image for the Setlog checklist “7 steps to master the Supply Chain Act”

Learn how our customers are already complying with the German Supply Chain Act with OSCA CSR

Vorschaubild für die Case Study, wie Kik Setlog OSCA CSR nutzt für Nachhaltigkeit in der Lieferkette

How KiK complies with the German Supply Chain Act

KiK conducts up to 1,000 audits per year. But how does the textile retailer still manage to bring transparency and speed to its processes? For a fair and sustainable supply chain, a lot of time, effort and money must be invested. Or? No, you just have to choose the right software!

Marc O’Polo: Casual and powerful into the future

Excellent data is the be-all and end-all in purchasing and supply chain management. But it is not much use if it’s lying dormant in Excel files, or has to be sent back and forth between supply chain partners via E-mail. That’s why, back in 2015, MARC O’POLO decided to introduce the supply chain management software by Setlog.

Vorschaubild für die Case Study, wie Adler Setlog OSCA CSR nutzt für Nachhaltigkeit in der Lieferkette

Corporate Social Responsibility at Adler

Sustainability and global production do not have to contradict each other. However, this cannot be done with Excel lists, faxes and e-mails. Only the introduction of Setlog’s solution has made the production conditions and audits at more than 400 suppliers completely transparent for Adler.

Preview of the factsheet on the cooperation between Löning and Setlog

Optimally prepared with our cooperation partners

Together with Löning’s human rights experts, Setlog develops new modules and functions that enable you to precisely assess the risk disposition of your supply chain partners and complete your risk analysis with meaningful KPIs.

We have more on CSR for you:

Are you interested in OSCA CSR?

We would be happy to show you a demo version of our software and arrange a meeting.

Setlog Team auf einer Logistik Messe

Setlog Contact

We will be happy to help you.

? +49 234 720 285 00


Find us here

Setlog Corp.

420 Lexington Avenue, Suite 300
New York, NY 10170

T: +1 212 209 3969

Setlog GmbH

Alleestrasse 80
44793 Bochum

T: +49 234 720 285 00
F: +49 234 720 285 99

Setlog GmbH

Mittelstr. 12-4, Haus C
50672 Cologne

T: +49 221 466 890 16