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Sustainability & CSR

German Supply Chain Act, 7 requirements have to be met!

    Sustainability & CSR

The German government has finally passed the new Supply Chain Act. Companies that violate it face heavy fines. Already in 2020, the goal was set that at least 50% of German companies with more than 500 employees must have introduced effective human rights protection measures. The following actions are to be taken and guaranteed as […]

The German Supply Chain Act! Curse or blessing?

    Sustainability & CSR

The UN’s guiding principles for business and human rights do not demand much from companies worldwide: – Risk Assessment – Countermeasures against violations of human rights and child labor – Transparency and complaint points – Adequate human rights diligence In 2011, these measures were adopted in the UN Human Rights Council and many companies were […]

Top 3 books on sustainability

    Sustainability & CSR

For our book series, today we would like to draw some attention to a topic that is very important to us at Setlog: Sustainability. As a provider of supply chain management software, we regularly look at how our customers can make their value chain more efficient and how to optimize it. This also includes the […]

The flea market of old things or first-hand sustainability?

    Sustainability & CSR

I am the youngest of three girls – but what does this have to do with secondhand or even sustainability? With families where money is tight, and that’s how it was with us, you just have to keep the household well organized- with all the resources you have at your disposal. Even with children’s clothes, […]

The Fashion Revolution Day: Nothing comes after sustainability anymore

    Sustainability & CSR

One characteristic of man is his thirst for knowledge and his curiosity – one wants to classify oneself and one’s role in life and constantly asks oneself existential questions such as “who am I?”, “what do I do?”, “why do I do?”, “how did the universe come into being?”, “what role does humanity play in […]

Nothing comes after sustainability anymore

    Sustainability & CSR

Sustainability is becoming an increasingly important topic, especially in the logistics sector – which means that responsibility for companies is growing more and more. The vision: A fashion industry that values people, the environment, creativity and profit in equal measure. In this context, here is a short foreword from us: we want to say a […]

OSCA in KiK sustainability report

    Supply Chain Management
    Sustainability & CSR

Every year, the German textile company KiK publishes a sustainability report which describes the company’s activities with regard to the sustainable structuring of their trading activities, as well as current issues and developments in the area of sustainability. In Kik’s sustainability report 2017, Setlog is mentioned. Since December 2015, KiK has been using the intelligent […]