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Sustainability & CSR

Revamping the Furniture Industry: How Supply Chain Transparency and Technology are Making Things Greener

    Sustainability & CSR

Lately, sustainability is all the rage in the furniture world. As more consumers demand eco-friendly and ethically produced items, manufacturers are feeling the pressure to innovate. Technology plays a crucial role here, especially technologies that enhance the visibility of the supply chain. This blog post focuses on how enhancing transparency, traceability, and adherence to rigorous […]

Rabe Moden: The first fashion specialist to receive the “ZNU Standard for Sustainable Management” certification

    Sustainability & CSR

(Bochum / New York, January 19, 2024) Women’s clothing specialist Rabe Moden is the first fashion company to receive the “ZNU Standard for Sustainable Management” certificate. Representatives of the Center for Sustainable Corporate Management (ZNU) at Witten/Herdecke University presented the document to the management on January 11. According to the university, the standard is the […]

Forced Labor Compliance Changes to C-TPAT Programs

    Supply Chain Management
    Sustainability & CSR

This statement is written by Niklas Kirwel, President & CEO of Setlog Corp. since 01.07.2021. For more than 15 years, he has been an expert in project and product management as well as in consulting and sales of technology projects in the consumer goods and apparel industry. As the new year kicks off, I wanted to […]

LogiMAT 2023: IT specialist Setlog supports companies in complying with the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act 

    Sustainability & CSR

(Bochum / New York, January 31, 2023) At the intralogistics trade show LogiMAT 2023 (April 25-27) in Stuttgart, experts from software house Setlog will demonstrate how companies can use IT to easier implement compliance with the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act. The law has been in effect in Germany since January 1. In hall 7 […]

How to attract (and retain) new supply chain talents

    Supply Chain Management
    Sustainability & CSR

Over the past two to three years, pretty much everybody has written or talked about supply chain disruptions, shortages, bottlenecks, etc. I will certainly not repeat anything of this now but would rather like to write about how the past years have changed us, our domain and how we work. We have learned, moved on […]

Supply chain mapping – Wait no more

    Sustainability & CSR

This statement is written by Niklas Kirwel, President & CEO of Setlog Corp. since 01.07.2021. For more than 15 years, he has been an expert in project and product management as well as in consulting and sales of technology projects in the consumer goods and apparel industry. August, 2022 I just came back from a […]

Due Diligence Law: Setlog and CSR consultancy Loening announce cooperation

    Sustainability & CSR

• Easy entry into the topic – also for mid-sized companies.• IT tool OSCA CSR is expanded to include standardized supplier questionnaire for risk identification.• Loening helps in introducing risk management system to respect human rights. (Bochum/Berlin, May 4, 2022) The software specialist Setlog now cooperates with Loening – Human Rights & Responsible Business from […]

Supply Chain Due Diligence Act: Do your homework now!

    Sustainability & CSR

The new supply chain law will not come into effect in Germany until 2023. But supply chain experts from Setlog warn company leaders not to wait until the last minute to prepare the implementation. The textile discounter KiK tackled the issue back in 2015. “Anyone who wants to cooperate with us is not only audited […]

7 Key Measures for the Supply Chain Act 2023!

    Sustainability & CSR

The Supply Chain Act, which took its first shape in the UN Human Rights Council in 2011, has now been passed by the German parliament in June 2021. This decision was preceded by many critical discussions.  “The Supply Chain Act is important because we should not continue to build our prosperity on poverty and human […]

Supply Chain Act: Technology to implement regulations is in place

    Sustainability & CSR

• SCM specialist Setlog is developing a three-phase model to help companies bring transparency to their value chain and implement the Supply Chain Act.• Pioneers come from the German fashion industry, among others for example, the fashion retailer KiK. (Bochum, 02/22/2021). To help companies implement the Supply Chain Act that has recently been pushed by […]