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Life at Setlog

26.09.2018 | The slightly different start-up-topics!

    Life at Setlog

And again a moon and a Meetup has passed in Setlogs’ office – and again a full success! This time our Digital Innovators made a pilgrimage to the Jahrhunderthaus in Bochum to get informed about the “not so sexy startup topics” at the startupweek:RUHR. Instead of a pure lecture followed by a question and answer […]

Ruhrfaktor Young Professionals – Setlog and the matter of generations

    Life at Setlog

How can companies be linked to the so-called Generation Z? What do companies – traditional or modern – have to do to get closer to this generation? And do they even have to? And how can the generations Y and Z be merged? The new IHK format “RuhrFaktor – Young Professionals” on 12.09.2018 was dedicated […]

Impressions | A view from the outside

    Life at Setlog

Foreword by Setlog: We thank Yvonne very much for writing such a nice report about our Meetups! Below, you can find more information about Yvonne. But now have fun reading and see you at the next Meetup! – Your Setlogfamily The Meetups at Setlog As part of “Digital Innovation Ruhr”, Setlog organises a free evening […]

21.08.2018 | Did you get the Facebook Algorithm?

    Life at Setlog

The chairs and tables are back in their place, the office is tidy, everyday life is back. But the enthusiasm of the Meetup of 21.08.2018 with Michael Höcker still echoes almost a week later – and it will continue. Even though all our Meetups are of course always something special, this was completely beyond the […]

A whole half year

    Life at Setlog

August is just around the corner and we review how the first half of the year went for Setlog. It feels like we just started the year 2018 and suddenly it’s already half way over. The months go by faster than some people would like. In the stressful everyday life, it quickly becomes forgotten what […]

One day in a software developers’ life

    Life at Setlog

Get into the comfortable armchair, take a sip of coffee and you slowly sink into your thoughts that pull you deeper and deeper into the problem spheres that open up in front of you. A shining path or red thread of a concept appears in the spiritual sky and the ship of uruction sets itself […]

29.05.2018 | Advanced Microservices

    Life at Setlog

On May 29th Christoph Gnip, Developer Evangelist at 5Minds IT-Solutions  visites us at our Digital Innovation Ruhr Meetup to talk with us about “Advanced Microservices”. Especially for our IT-affine Meetup innovators, Christophs presentation was a significant enrichment. In advance, our Nora asked a few questions. Welcome Christoph, we are glad that we have you here. […]