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Top 5 of Non-Fiction Supply Chain & Logistics Books

    Supply Chain Management

In our new series, we give an exclusive insight into books that move us. Whether it’s the favorite book of one of our colleagues or a non-fiction book that has left a lasting impression on us. Here, you get a look behind the scenes of the Setlog books.   Note: The books are not in […]

Game Design: A job in the games industry

    Life at Setlog

In our Meetups we always try to pick up topics that we either encounter in our work or that move our everyday lives. In our teams, the topic “Game Design” was requested from time to time, completely casually. And also the one or other conversation at lunch turned, nobody’s surprised, to gaming. Everybody talks about […]

The Supply Chain of Beer

    Supply Chain Management

The most popular drink in the world is coffee and who is surprised by that? The black gold keeps us all awake in the morning and really gets the day going. Without coffee the world doesn’t work at all. But what does it look like after work? Which drink accompanies us into the contemplative, first […]

Back to the Future

    Life at Setlog

Back to the future July 2019, we are looking back on eventful, labour-intensive and exciting 6 months. What did we learn from 2019 so far? Whether at events, fairs or in discussions with other logistic experts, we repeatedly heard the motto of all supply chain professionals: Back to the future. What exactly does it mean? […]

Texprocess and transport logistic 2019

    Supply Chain Management

There are many different reasons for a visit to a trade fair, or to even have your own booth. We at Setlog are never averse to presenting our product at the right event, both as a visitor and as an exhibitor. Many trade fairs only take place every two years and as luck would have […] 2019 – the digital marketing conference

    Life at Setlog

A whole day with koks In case you didn’t know, was created in 2015 out of the fact that there was no modern and adequate platform for digital marketing in the Ruhr area. If someone planned to attend a conference on topics such as social media, search engine marketing, content marketing, data analysis or […]

The 5 biggest misconceptions when it comes to SCM systems

    Supply Chain Management

No one who implements an SCM system in a company can expect a miracle. And one must also not believe that the system will remain exactly the same for the next 25 years. If parameters or processes change, the tool must also be adapted. Some of the biggest misconceptions in terms of SCM systems are […]

The new Silk Road

    Supply Chain Management

The new Silk Road – China/ Duisburg How does a German car get to China? Duisburg is the largest inland port in the world. What is “around the corner” for us is quite a long way from China – but due to globalization the world seems to become smaller and more manageable: The “New Silk […]

OSCA’s Booking API

    Supply Chain Management

In the logistics sector, clear processes are decisive factors. A supply chain is actually a chain of people and dependencies, which require a smooth process. Without the right measures, questions about the arrival of the goods, their location or if all parties involved are equally informed about the current status might arise and thus entail […]

The 5 most important chronological steps in the introduction of SCM systems

    Supply Chain Management

Anyone who implements an SCM system should avoid tackling as many details as possible at the same time but should instead take step by step into a new, more transparent IT world. Chronologically, the project phase can be divided into five parts. One of the most important aspects is employee training. The large project phases […]