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Business travel for developers – Go West

    Life at Setlog

I have been asked to write a diary about our last trip, but before I dive into the single chapters of this truly episodic and exciting story, I would like to give the reader a general overview. I am fortunate to be part of a development team that serves US clients from Germany and occasionally […]


    Life at Setlog

If you look at the sky, it may seem blue and cloudless, but behind it the yawning blackness of the virtual network space awaits and a merciless war reigns at all times. It’s a war in which there is no good and no evil, hackers and defenders change their roles depending on their point of […]

Setlog Holmes

    Life at Setlog

It was one of those rainy afternoons announcing nothing good. As usual, I sat in my comfortable chair, drank my prescribed dose of coffee and stared at the six monitors, which gave me an absolute insight into the inner workings of the sophisticated supply chain systems whose well-being was entrusted to me. They suggested to […]

DevOps Gathering: The Grand Finale


“Close your eyes, give me your hand, darling. Do you feel my heart beating? Do you understand? Do you feel the same? Am I only dreaming Is this burning an eternal flame!” (The Bangles, Eternal Flame)  The last day of the great gathering started. For some it was an early start, but they would rather die […]

DevOps Gathering: Conference Day 1


After the introduction and warm up of the workshops the day before we were eager to learn more about the theoretical concepts and specific real-life experiences behind the technologies. We were like wolves who tasted the blood and from now on never would let go from hunting the deer. A long day lay ahead of […]

DevOps Gathering: Workshops


            “Berserker – an ancient norse warrior who fought in a wild frenzy” What a wild and unrestrained first day at the #DOG18! Today there were supposed to be some workshops, but instead there was a portal to a new incredible dimension or maybe a flight to a galaxy far […]

Modeling software architecture with C4


On February 1st, we at Setlog had an introduction to C4 with Kevin Wittek, Technical Lead at GDATA. C4 isn’t an explosive– C4 is a lightweight modeling and documentation language for software architectures. In various areas of life, e.g. cartography, architecture or electricity, there are standards for modeling things like maps, floor plans or circuit […]