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International Children’s Day at Setlog

    Life at Setlog

“If we are to reach real peace in the world, we shall have to begin with the children.” – Mahatma Gandhi Every year International Children’s Day is on the 20th of September in Germany. The day is celebrated in a total of 145 countries worldwide, partly under different names and on different dates, but always […]

Top 3 books on sustainability

    Sustainability & CSR

For our book series, today we would like to draw some attention to a topic that is very important to us at Setlog: Sustainability. As a provider of supply chain management software, we regularly look at how our customers can make their value chain more efficient and how to optimize it. This also includes the […]

Security tests in a DevOps world

    Life at Setlog

In August we were able to have another successful and exciting Meetup with you once again. We were really happy to see that so many of you came and we hope you enjoyed our Meetup as much as we did! This time our Meetup was under the stars of “DevOps” and “Security Tests”. DevOps has […]

Top 10 favorite books of our employees

    Life at Setlog

In our new series, we give an exclusive insight into books that move us. Whether it’s the favorite book of one of our colleagues or a non-fiction book that has left a lasting impression on us. Here, you get a look behind the scenes of the Setlog books.   Note: The books are not in […]

MSC GÜLSÜN – Our views

    Supply Chain Management

Prologue We are looking back on 2003 – year of the Hanjin Basel. With a length of 273 metres, a width of 40 metres and a carrying capacity of 68,200 tonnes, the Hanjin Basel was then the largest container ship in the world. We were so proud that some of Setlog‘s customers were loaded on […]

Mixed Reality Marketing

    Life at Setlog

The impression, that lasts We dedicate our Meetups again and again to topics of the future, because here we find a world of new, exciting technologies and more often than not their potential is far from exhausted. That is why, this July, at Setlog everything revolved around one of these technologies- “virtual reality”. While some […]

The 5 most important key metrics for performance measurement of SCM

    Supply Chain Management

Requirements analysis, contracts, conceptual designing, implementation, integration testing, phases of hypercare. The implementation of a SCM system causes quite some work. And after the go-live, colleagues have to be properly trained. But the investment is worth it. The advantages can best be measured by key metrics. The most important key metrics for performance measurement are: […]